Your Local Blocked Drain Specialists

Blocked Drain | Newcastle, NSW | DSR Plumbing

Dealing With A Blocked Drain

Blocked drains can be a nuisance, and it's important to identify the cause of the blockage as soon as possible. The most common reason is tree roots and grease build-up, but other factors can cause blocked drains.

At DSR Plumbing, we use the latest CCTV technology to determine the cause of your blocked drain to avoid costly excavation to diagnose the problem, saving you time and money.

Once we know what the problem is, we will be able to quickly clear it away, restoring your drains to full working order. In the meantime, try to avoid using the affected sink or toilet, as this will only make the problem worse.

Signs Your Drain May Be Blocked

When water can't flow freely through your drains, it can cause a backup in your sink, tub or toilet. There are several signs that your drain may be blocked:

  1. First, you may notice that water is draining more slowly than usual. This is because the obstruction is causing the water to flow more slowly through the drain.
  2. Second, you may see water bubbling up in your sink or tub when you run the water. This is because the air can't escape through the drain and is being forced back up into the sink.
  3. Third, you may notice an unpleasant smell coming from your drain. This is because the blockage is trapping sewage and other debris in the pipe, which can cause a nasty odour.

Don’t wait until the blockage overflows! Call DSR Plumbing before you’re knee deep in you know what!

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